Today’s theme is a data day, so I went over to browse the interesting datasets available from the Asian Development Bank. I found this dataset that shows the inflation levels for Asian countries from 2019 to 2023, with forecasted numbers for 2024 and 2025.
As always, I enjoy analysing data from my home region as it’s less widely covered on a global news. So I thought to focus my chart on Southeast asia, in particular, I wanted to highlight the volatile inflation levels experienced by countries such as Myanmar and Laos in recent years due to political instability.
import polars as plfrom lets_plot import*LetsPlot.setup_html()inflation = pl.read_csv('./inflation.csv')df = (inflation .filter(pl.col(' Subregion')=="Southeast Asia") .filter(pl.col('RegionalMember')!="Southeast Asia") .with_columns(pl.when(pl.col('RegionalMember')=='Myanmar').then(1) .when(pl.col('RegionalMember')=='Laos').then(2) .otherwise(0).alias('highlight') ))(ggplot(df)+ geom_line(aes(x='Year', y='Inflation', group='RegionalMember',color='highlight'))+ scale_color_manual(values=['#808080','#1380A1','#FAAB18',])+ geom_label(x=2.4,y=25, label='Myanmar', fill='white', hjust=0, vjust=3, label_size=0, color='#1380A1')+ geom_label(x=3.4,y=28, label='Laos', fill='white', hjust=0, vjust=3, label_size=0, color='#FAAB18')+ geom_label(x=2.7,y=9, label='Rest of SEA', fill='white', hjust=0, vjust=3, label_size=0, color='#808080')+ labs( y='Inflation (%)', title="Inflation levels in Southeast Asia (2019 - 2025)", subtitle="Myanmar and Laos have experienced the most volatile inflation levels", caption ='#30DayChartChallenge #Day18 Asian Development Bank\nData: Asian Development Bank\nMade by:' )+ theme( plot_title=element_text(size=24, face='bold'), plot_subtitle=element_text(size=18), plot_caption=element_text(size=12, color='grey'), legend_position='none', axis_title_x=element_blank(), )+ggsize(900,700))
For geom_lines, I can use group to separate by category and color to highlight only the lines I want to draw attention to.
geom_labels are very useful at replacing legends and providing easy to read labels directly on the areas of interest. I originally wanted to put the labels right at the end of the chart but I had difficulty working with the right margin.